Unwanted Publicity Concerns
GSD never pressures anyone to bring a case. Interested in talking further about whether a wage hour lawsuit is in your best interest? We can help you weigh the risks and benefits in your particular case.
- Some people consider this a positive as they hope to call attention to the employer’s bad faith.
- Some consider this a negative as they worry that future employers may decline to hire them if they are known to sue their employer.
Nobody but you can decide if bringing a class action is right for you. However, sometimes cases can be brought without disclosing your full name and steps can be taken to minimize publicity. There are provisions in the law to bring cases anonymously (for example, John Doe v. Jane Doe, or Roe v. Wade). And other steps can minimize extra publicity. However, some workers hope that bringing an employer’s practices to light can help pressure the employer to do the right thing and change practices.
We never pressure anyone to bring a case.
Interested in talking further about whether a wage hour lawsuit is in your best interest? Call Us We can help you think out the risks and benefits in your particular case.